Call to Action results in an Upper Midwest Rotarian response

This Shot’s for all of Us!

Call to Action

Last December when Rotary International President Holger issued a “Call to Action” to fight COVID, “Harbor Town” Duluth MN and Superior WI area clubs not only responded, but they built a community working group that might be duplicated.

Here is how it came together: mid-January, leaders began exploring opportunities to collaborate with area health service organizations and each other. They wished to learn more how their members could be of service, to join in the fight against the COVID pandemic, much as Rotarians take on Polio together. Joe Radtke of Superior Rotary Club, and District 5580 Governor Bob McLean began reaching out to health service professionals in the region.  By mid-January Club leadership assembled Essentia Health, St Luke’s Health, St Louis County and Douglas County Health Departments, Native Health, and other public health advocates to discuss what healthcare providers most needed from community leaders. Turns out what was most on minds, was how Rotary might support and promote vaccines and educate about their safety and efficacy.

In the initial meeting all agreed that Rotary’s successful polio vaccination campaign brings independent credibility to the public, and a sustained public message from Rotary could help move undecided residents in our communities. At the same time, District Governor McLean was in touch with District 5950 Governor Tom Gump and District 5960 Governor Ed Marek, to see about amplifying vaccine adoption with Tri-District public image structure ( that already exists, and they readily agreed.

The collaborative group continues to meet and define various platforms and social networks for broadcasting the importance of the vaccines and following the Department of Health protocol on gatherings while vaccines are rolled out.  Letters-to-the-editor signed by all three district governors distributed widely and published in the Duluth News Tribune, Austin Daily Herald, Hudson Star Observer, and Fargo Forum. Clubs are encouraged to send a similar letter to their local papers and media outlets.  In April and May, Tri-District is sponsoring a Minnesota Public Radio campaign. District 5960 Governor Designee Dr. Dayle Quigley, with a unique perspective on the power of vaccines and Rotary’s polio efforts, is available to speak to clubs. Additionally, an excellent PowerPoint presentation, prepared by Essentia Health, is available for clubs to present to their members as well as to their respective communities.  Finally, during the District 5580 conference, a forum will be held Monday evening, April 26, discussing the physical and emotional impact COVID is having on our communities.  Panelists include the Chief Medical Officer of Essentia Health, the CEO of Sanford North/Bemidji, and the Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health University of North Dakota Medical School.  The public is welcome at no charge, but registration is required; visit OR for more information.

“We are all eager to return to more normalcy in our lives and we are seeing clear signs of hope with the expanding Covid vaccination campaign. Our role as Rotarians is to use our voices, our social networks, and our access to media platforms to help educate our communities about vaccine myths, provide facts, encourage everyone to stay the course, be vaccinated when it is their turn, and remind them: ‘This shot’s for all of us!’” –  The Tri-District COVID Vaccine Team

Our New Mission

rotary master350

Now there is another threat to world health right here in our community; COVID-19.

Rotarians are people just like you. We work to make our communities better right here and around the world. Now we are asking you to help your community.

Please get vaccinated for Covid 19. Vaccinations stopped Polio here and they can stop Covid 19. Help make your community and our world a safer place.

Get vaccinated.

This shot is
for all of us!

Taking On COVID-19


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

Why should you get the COVID-19 vaccine?


Benefit of vaccines

  • Vaccines are our best hope to control a pandemic that has killed more than 2 million people worldwide
    • Tens of thousands of trial participants showed 95% effectiveness and minimal side effects
  • True return to normal can’t happen until herd immunity (at least 70% inoculated)
  • The vaccine is not only important from a public health standpoint, but for reopening the country and restarting the economy

Timeline for vaccine development

  • No skipped steps, but phases occurred at the same timeVaccines
  • Top medical and scientific experts worked around the clock on vaccines, backed by huge resources
  • Thorough review of the data by independent experts, including the FDA

Extremely effective

It’s important to know that these vaccines have a high efficacy rate against severe outcomes like hospitalization and death.

We are in the middle of a pandemic and we need every vaccine at our disposal. The best vaccine is the first one you are offered.

Potential side effects

Includes mild fever, headaches, fatigue and injection-site pain, similar to other vaccines

Preferable to a serious bout of COVID-19

Contact primary care provider:

  • With questions and concerns about your health status
  • If you have a history of severe allergic reaction to vaccines or medications

COVID-19 variants

What the COVID-19 variants could mean for our communities?

A more efficient virus leads to the potential for:

  • Another surge due to increased rates of transmission
  • Higher rates of hospitalization
  • Increased use of scarce resources

According to the CDC, so far, studies suggest that antibodies generated through vaccination with currently authorized vaccines recognize these variants. This is being closely investigated and more studies are underway.

Vaccine safety

Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals entrusted to look out for your well-being would not advise you to receive a vaccine if we questioned its safety.

According to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):

  • COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
  • Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.
  • CDC recommends you get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you are eligible.
  • Vaccines are the surest way to protect yourself and loved ones
  • Vaccines are rolling out to our communities as quickly as supplies allow
  • Stay the course:
  • Please continue to mask, socially distance, wash your hands, and follow current Department of Health guidelines for group gatherings

Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine at